Krasny Yantar'

Красный янтарь (Redfry x Papirovka tetraploidy)
Аuthors: L.I. Dutova, E.N. Sedov, V.V. Zhdanov, E.V. Ulyanovskaya, T.V. Ragulina, G.A. Sedysheva, L.V. Makhno, T.G. Prichko
Ripening data: is II decade or the beginning of III decade of July.
The tree has a middle size; the crown is round of high density. Type of fruiting is mixed. The variety is drought-and frost resistant and has Vf gene of immunity to scab and, high resistance to powdery mildew. A tree enters into fruit bearing on the second year. The crop capacity is 28 t/hectare. Fruits are above average size, one-dimensional, with smooth surface and a bright red blush on mostly fruit. They have a sour-sweet harmonious taste with delicate aroma. Storage duration is 2 months. Transportability is good.
Biochemical indicators of quality: the content of dry substances is 11,8%, sugars – 9,0%, acids – 0,57%, vitamin C – 10,4 mg/100 g, vitamin P – 66,6 mg/100g.
Recommended cultivation area is the regions of North Caucasus.
The optimal schemes of landing on low growing rootstock are 4.0 x 1.5 m.
The apples are suitable for making of high-quality products.

journal тематический сетевой научный
электронный журнал скфнцсвв